Call Now: 0409 455 084​​

Australia's Premium
Fighter Jet Flight

Located in Bathurst, NSW. Our fighter base is ideally positioned for unrestricted airspace and only a short drive from Sydney or Canberra, we are the perfect location for your thrilling jet flight experience.
Flight Booking payments or Gift Vouchers will be considered to be in full acceptance of the terms and condition of this agreement.
All passengers must be briefed on flight safety and sign a waiver form with CASA stipulations before flight with no exceptions.
Passenger must be of reasonable health and fitness and be able to enter and exit the aircraft on their own and wear closed in shoes.
The rider must read and understand the passenger briefing card before the flight.
All Gift Vouchers are not redeemable for cash, the voucher can be transferred to another person. The voucher has no expiry date, however if there has been a price increase since the purchase of the voucher, the difference in cost will be charged to the customer.
All refund request are at the discretion of FASTJET ADVENTURE FLIGHTS and an administration fee may occur if approved.
The remaining balance will be paid on the day at the current listed price plus any fuel surcharge price over $2.00 per litre.
Safe Jet operations are based on varying conditions, weather, rain, fog, high wind, extreme heat, dust, smoke, Covid, mechanical issues and restricted airport operations. These are some of the situations that can suspended operations based on safety.
FASTJET Adventure Flights take no responsibility for any travel or accommodation in case of cancelation due to a safety concern. If any flights are cancelled due to safety, we will reschedule the flight in consultation with the customer.
We pride ourselves with a good safety record and this is achieved with good preparation understanding and communication. Our customers play an integral part in our operation and we like to keep them fully informed.
​If you are purchasing a gift voucher, it is a CASA regulatory requirement that prior to purchasing a voucher for an adventure flight in the L-39 Jet that we advise the purchaser of the following information:
Passengers MUST be physically fit to fly.
Minimum age is 18 years
As this is an adrenaline activity we recommend that passengers be of good general health
Maximum weight is 140kg
Passengers must be capable of independent entry and exit of the aircraft for emergency egress. To enter and exit the aircraft requires the passenger to climb up and down approximately 2 meters in height.
Additional Information
The design, manufacture and airworthiness of the aircraft are not required to meet any standard recognized by CASA; and
CASA does not require the aircraft to be operated to the same degree of safety as an aircraft used for regular public transport or charter operations; and
The passenger agrees to participate in this flight at his or her own risk; and
If it is reasonable to believe that a passenger cannot understand the safety briefing; unless the passenger can communicate and understanding the safety briefing, the pilot in command may make the decision NOT to allow the flight to proceed; and
If it is reasonable to believe that the passenger is not capable of exiting the aircraft due to impaired mobility or a disability; the pilot in command may make the decision NOT to allow the flight to proceed;
If the person making the booking for this flight is not the passenger, note that the operator of the flight is required to provide the passenger with a detailed briefing – to include the information contained herein – prior to the passenger boarding the aircraft.
If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us today